Xebex divulga resposta após ser banida do CrossFit Open

Um comunicado da CrossFit na semana passada, pegou a todos de surpresa com o banimento dos remos de modelo Xebex do Open. Aqui no Brasil, há uma empresa que revende esses modelos de remo também, mas com a marca própria. Dessa forma, todos que fizeram o uso desse modelo tinham que reportar o fato à CrossFit para receberem a punição de redução de 15% em seu score no 18.1. Agora, em face disso, a fabricante rebate a punição recebida, através de uma carta aberta direcionada  à CrossFit e à comunidade.

“Seguindo o espírito de uma competição aberta, nós entramos em contato com a CrossFit e oferecemos enviar nossos remos da Xebex para a sua sede, na esperança de que eles testassem mais a fundo os nossos produtos, comparando-os com os remos da Concept2 (…) já que consideramos a comparação, que foi feita por vídeo lado-a-lado, limitada para determinar o critério “mesmo tipo e regulagem (…) A 2a geração do nosso dispositivo, foi feita com objetivo fazer nosso remo funcionar de forma similar ao regulamento exigido no CrossFit Open. Durante muitos anos, a CrossFit se orgulha de trabalhar na inclusão e no espírito de comunidade, e nós acreditamos que a escolha dos equipamentos, dentro de tolerâncias claramente bem definidas pela sede da CrossFit, devem também ser um problema da comunidade e que deve ser aberta para discussão (…) pedimos à comunidade de CrossFit e aos nossos clientes para que compartilhem essa mensagem com a CrossFit na esperança de que possamos trabalhar com a CrossFit e garantir que todos os atletas tenham uma chance nos próximos Opens sem medo de desqualificação ou penalidades”

Veja a carta em inglês na íntegra a seguir:

 Dear CrossFit and the CrossFit Community:

We are aware of the recent ruling by CrossFit disallowing Xebex Rowers from the 2018 CrossFit Open, and have determined that it is prudent to provide the global CrossFit Community, as well as the many functional fitness facilities, home/garage gym users, schools, etc. using Xebex Fitness products with our thoughts on the recent situation.

Get RXd and Xebex Fitness stand by our products as our companies have been providing fitness equipment in various forms for over 30 years, have outfitted 3,500+ facilities worldwide and have always, and will continue to provide top-quality roducts at affordable prices to facility owners and athletes of all skill levels, geographies and spending power ranges.

In the spirit of an open competition, we have reached out to CrossFit with an offer to send our Xebex Rowers to Headquarters in hopes that they will conduct thorough tests of our products versus the Concept 2 Rower. We continue to extend that offer to CrossFit Headquarters as we consider side-by-side video comparison of two machines to be a limited measurable data set in determining “similar type and calibration.” Additionally, we feel that this method of sending our Xebex Rowers would remove any other variables that may exist in a video recording.

We would also note that we have two versions of our Air Rower console (1st generation and 2nd generation), which can be easily distinguished from one-another. Our 2nd generation console (black, horizontal) came about in an effort to make our Rower similar in type and calibration to the standards of the CrossFit Open. Additionally, we offer an upgrade option for users with our 1st generation console (gray, vertical) in an effort to ensure consistency across all of our 10,000+ Rowers that are in circulation globally.

For many years, CrossFit has prided itself on inclusivity and community spirit, and we believe that equipment selection, within clearly defined tolerances and characteristics set forth by CrossFit Headquarters, should be a community issue that is open for discussion.

In conclusion, should CrossFit Headquarters take Xebex Fitness up on our offer to provide samples in order to determine calibration metrics of our 2nd generation console, please reach out to [email protected]. In the meantime, we ask the CrossFit community and our many customers to share this invitation with CrossFit in hopes that we can work with CrossFit to make sure all athletes have a place in future Opens without fear of disqualification or penalty.

The Get RXd and Xebex Fitness Family
Email: [email protected]

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